Smartphones have been changing people's lives. Apps allow us to check websites, create things, watch videos, play games, keep track of notes, etc. There are several apps trying to tackle the climate emergency as well. Check our very own app Earth Project which allows you to take action and see your impact!
There are 2 operating systems people are using: Android (Samsung, Google Pixel, ...) and iOS (iPhone, iPad). Both require a different way to code an app. Android is mostly Java and iOS requires Swift and Xcode. Another approach is through Google Firebase. In any case... it is unfortunately quite complicated. So on this page, for this project we will be mainly focussing on prototyping.
App prototyping is the process of "drawing" the apps interfaces so it becomes clear how you envision your app will work.
A famous tool to create prototypes is Figma, a tool used by professionals. It is free. Another option is Flutterflow, Miro or Protio.io
Another option is using good old... paper and pencils!
No computer required, unless if you prefer using a web tool.
We suggest +8 years old.
Create a prototype for an app which will solve single use plastic polution
This is just ONE option. We prefer you come with your own ideas.